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Our impact

Financial year 2022/23  

This year marked a pivotal advancement in our capacity to touch more lives, fostering meaningful moments and extending vital financial aid. A noteworthy shift occurred as we amended our constitution to encompass support for family caregivers, offering bespoke respite experiences. 

The impact was substantial, with £93,590 provided to a total of 96 beneficiaries—significantly surpassing previous periods. Our dedication propels us to continually expand our reach within the MND community year on year, aiming to solidify our position as a vital point of contact. Through these efforts, we persist in our mission to be a beacon of support, creating a lasting impact for those affected by Motor Neurone Disease. 

One of the most critical aspects of our service at Challenging MND revolves around providing support during financial hardships. We approach the needs of the MND community with profound sensitivity, striving to be a responsive ally in a timely manner. Frequently, the beneficiaries find themselves unable to work, directly impacting their capacity to cover essential expenses like utilities or necessary home adaptations to enhance their quality of life. 

At Challenging MND, we take pride in our commitment to attentive listening and swift processing of grant awards. This ensures that the beneficiary receives whatever they need well ahead of its critical requirement, reflecting our unwavering dedication in supporting those affected by Motor Neurone Disease. 

Read more about the wonderful stories we have helped with

Virtual Reality Experience

As part of our multifaceted support, we harness the power of Virtual Reality to craft remarkable experiences. This technology transports our MND community back to a time before diagnosis, providing precious moments. Individuals can revisit these experiences at their leisure, tailoring them to suit their preferences. This holds particular significance for those who are paralysed and bed-bound, offering a poignant and uplifting escape from the constraints of their circumstances.

Impact 2022-2023

  • Grants increased by 1228% to £55,120
  • Donations increased by 179% to £259,258
  • Donations specifically from fundraising events increased by 327% to £277,663
  • Increased support to beneficiaries by 380% to 96 MND sufferers
  • Beneficiaries received £93,590 in grants an increase of 1,366%
  • Overall income of charity increased by 265% to £592,000

Events 2022-2023

  • Outer Hebrides Tandem Challenge
  • Everest Challenge
  • Gibbo Hockey Cup
  • Gibbo Rugby Cup
  • Challenging MND Gala Ball

Our Reach

Our organisation has stretched its arms wider, reaching every corner of the United Kingdom with our unwavering support for those grappling with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and their expansive networks of caregivers.

Our commitment to providing bespoke respite experiences for family caregivers underscores our recognition of their indispensable role in the journey.

As we press forward, our task remains clear: to be a responsive ally, extending a comforting hand to those in need and fostering meaningful connections that transcend geographical boundaries.

Beneficiary Stories

Read about the many beneficiaries who have benefited from our services, making a real difference to their lives.

Click here to view our beneficiary stories