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Corporate Partnership

Welcome to Challenging MND, where we believe that partnering with corporations, regardless of size, is an instrumental means to effect positive change within our community of MND sufferers.

At Challenging MND, our driving force is fuelled by unwavering core values

  • Compassion and empathy
  • Collaboration and partnerships
  • Dedication to the cause
  • Gratitude and appreciation

These values form the bedrock of our mission

To grant the MND community the opportunity to create enduring memories with their loved ones—memories that help to transcend time and adversity.

Our Impact 2022-2023

  • Grants increased by 1228% to £55,120 
  • Donations increased by 179% to £259,258 
  • Donations specifically from fundraising events increased by 327% to £277,663 
  • Increased support to beneficiaries by 380% to 96 MND sufferers  
  • Beneficiaries received £93,590 in grants an increase of 1,366%  
  • Overall income of charity increased by 265% to £592,000 

Why be our partner?

We seek partnerships with organisations that share our values and possess a genuine desire to make a difference in the lives of those facing this terminal disease. Current charities in this space focus on funding MND research, and we at Challenging MND wholeheartedly endorse this initiative. However, we focus on the here and now of the MND sufferer, adding quality experience to their life.

Motor Neurone Disease doesn’t discriminate; it upends the lives of individuals and their families, not only physically but also financially. Upon diagnosis, families often divert their resources towards caregiving, adapting physical environments, and acquiring essential equipment to aid progressive deterioration.

Our Core Objectives

  • Support the MND community in creating cherished, lasting memories
  • Provide crucial financial aid to individuals living with MND
  • Raise awareness about MND
  • Establish ourselves as a primary touchpoint for the MND community
  • Offer vital respite to family caregivers, allowing them time for rejuvenation.

Our Value Proposition

“To provide essential financial support to the UK MND community, creating amazing lifelong memories, while shedding much-needed light on the disease. We aim to offer easy access to our support network for the MND community and caregivers, available at the touch of a button.”

What’s In It For You

Challenging MND are a unique charity with special purpose, we are young and evolving, keen to make a real difference in the lives of our the MND community.

By partnering up with us, you are partnering up with the MND community. Take a moment to read some of our stories from our beneficiaries.

Watch some of the extreme challenges that have been undertaken to date to help raise awareness

The Benefits of Corporate Partnerships with Challenging MND

  • Positive brand elevation and association, bolstering societal impact and enhancing brand perception
  • Elevated employee engagement, improving morale, retention, and recruitment rates through meaningful involvement in a charitable cause
  • Strengthened stakeholder relationships, fostering engagement and collaboration in memorable Challenging MND initiatives
  • Sowing seeds of change and corporate citizenship by making tangible societal impacts within the MND community
  • Networking opportunities and positive PR, enhancing visibility, reputation, and event-based networking with other organisations
  • Financial incentives, including tax deductions and benefits, accompanying charitable donations.

How To Get Involved

We have a range of sponsorship opportunities to suit different budgets, and consider bespoke packages, so come and speak to us.

By aligning our values and visions, we aim to make a meaningful difference together.

Let’s put a date in the diary to look at how YOU can help us and how WE can make a difference to your organisation.

Joining forces to make a difference!

Corporate Contact

Get in touch

By aligning our core values and vision, we aim to make a meaningful difference together.

Our Partners and Supporters