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Our Beneficiaries

Welcome to the inspiring stories of our beneficiaries. These are powerful and personal accounts of their journey, which captures their strength and resilience. This is a platform for our beneficiaries to express themselves and share their thoughts as they need to. Discover stories of courage, hope, and the power of community in the face of adversity.

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Bhavna's Story

Determined not to let this take over her life, she continued to get out, sit in the garden and as ever, direct her husband but to his horror was to instruct him to start cooking.

Emma's Story

I've made special memories with my children, spent quality time with dear friends, and went on a holiday of a lifetime to the Maldives, thanks to Challenging MND.

James's Story

Life is not much different since my official diagnosis. I just take one day at a time. It's not easy some days, especially with now having 3 kids, but I'm staying positive and feel that in itself is the best way to be.

Marianne and Peter's Story

The support provided by Challenging MND has been an enormous comfort and help. We received a grant to make life easier, helping to pay for carers, so I could go out on occasions for a whole day to refresh my mental health.

Martin's Story

We were able to have some time away from the usual realities of life with MND and enjoy some sunshine, nice food and the children had a great time playing at the pool and meeting new friends

Mark's Story

We were able to have some time away from the usual realities of life with MND and enjoy some sunshine, nice food and the children had a great time playing at the pool and meeting new friends

Sarah's Story

Sarah is very grateful for the support she’s received from Challenging MND and other charities. Bringing up two children alone was tough and Sarah is grateful to have survived for such a long time and see her children grow up.