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By fundraising for our cause, you're not just raising funds; you're creating a ripple effect of positive change in the lives of those affected by motor neurone disease. 

Every contribution, big or small, plays a vital role in our mission to:

To grant the MND community the opportunity to create enduring memories with their loved ones – memories that help to transcend time and adversity.

With your support, we extend our reach, providing not only a source of lasting memories but also crucial assistance where there is financial hardship because of MND. Your involvement brings hope and transforms lives.

How You Can Help: Start Your Fundraiser 

Embark on a journey of impact by launching your own fundraiser. Whether it’s a charity run, a virtual event, or a creative project, the possibilities are boundless. Your unique initiative not only raises funds but also fosters awareness, building a community of compassion. 

Inspiring ideas for your fundraising journey: 

  • Online Events
  • Physical Challenges
  • Swimming Challenges
  • Gaming for Good
  • Culinary Creativity
  • Elegant Gatherings
  • Musical Moments
  • Sporting Tournaments
  • Golf Days

Your creativity knows no bounds, and neither does the impact you can create. Join us in transforming compassion into action and making a profound difference in the lives of those facing MND. 


Start that amazing journey by signing up for your free fundraising pack, complete with expert guidance and planning tips for your upcoming event. Your commitment to making a difference is the cornerstone of our collective impact. 


  • Mobile phone with social media app open and a custom CMND event image displayed

    Social Media Promotion

    A compelling social media graphic along with a dedicated #hashtag.

  • CMND website custom donation page

    Your Event Donation Page

    A link to a donation page, ensuring a seamless process for contributions.

  • Inspiration & Support

    Regular communication to inspire and support you every step of the way.

  • Your Event Signage

    A branded poster, creating a visual presence for your cause.

Ready to make a difference?

Start your fundraising journey today on our dedicated platform. We offer a wealth of resources, expert tips, and unwavering support at every turn.

Together, let’s turn compassion into action, providing crucial support for the MND community.

Fundraise For Us

The Impact of Your Efforts

When you choose to fundraise for Challenging MND, you become an agent of change. Your dedication extends far beyond mere numbers; it resonates profoundly in the lives you impact. Each pound raised becomes a conduit for meaningful opportunities—to create enduring memories, facilitate home accessibility as MND takes its toll, and offer essential respite to carers and loved ones of those affected by MND.  

Every contribution you make leaves a lasting imprint, shaping a brighter and more compassionate future for individuals and families grappling with the challenges of motor neurone disease. 

Sunrise behind the CMND summit

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Making Your Funds Count with Gift Aid 

Take your generosity to the next level by ensuring your donations go even further through Gift Aid. For every £1 you donate, Challenging MND receives an additional 25p from HMRC. This means that your £1 donation becomes £1.25 for us. Remember, Gift Aid can be claimed only on your personal donation, not on other supporters’ contributions.