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Alex Gibson

Chairman and Founder

I’m the founder and chairman of the charity.

It was my original intention to set up the charity and serve the needs of the MND community. I have always taken some element of comfort in helping to fulfil the goals of other people and by setting up the charity we have achieved this. We aim to become a national go-to charity.

It is our ambition to be recognised by the MND community and we have tried to achieve this by being a more personal caring charity.

I work in Capital management in the city for AIG. It has certainly been interesting over the years and has maintained a disciplined lifestyle which is important in terms of staving off any further deterioration. Being concerned with risk and regulatory capital models for EMEA, has meant that I am able to exercise an element of creativity in my work.

Outside of work I am very passionate about health and fitness and strive to optimise my health. MND was a major shock to myself but everyone who knew me. You never know what life has in store for you, but it is important to challenge yourself where you can.

I have represented Great Britain in decathlon and played rugby to National 1 level for a few clubs and at the same time I have been ranked in the top ten for indoor rowing on the Concept 2. It is vital to ensure you continue to push the boundaries, despite adversity and why I am often flogging my body, on bizarre challenges.